The term "disk space" is oftentimes labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", yet all these words mean the very same thing - the amount of info that you are able to upload to a shared web hosting account. The total size of the things you have is determined by accumulating the storage space used by the content in the account, the most obvious being the files you upload. Two other things are sometimes overlooked by various end users, though - emails along with databases. Sizeable attachments and databases of big script-driven websites can often require a lot of storage space too. In order to use a more recognizable analogy, the hdd space of your laptop or computer is used not just by files you download, but additionally by docs you generate plus software programs you install. In a similar way, various things are counted in the disk space that your info uses on a website hosting server, not just the uploads.
Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting
We have developed our Linux shared web hosting packages with the idea that the hdd space shouldn't be a problem for your websites. While many website hosting providers make accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most widespread Control Panels are intended to work solely on such a platform, we have used an alternative strategy. We have clusters of servers that handle every single element of the hosting service, so your files are stored on one cluster, your emails on another,the databases using a third one, etc. Through this cloud platform we accomplish a couple of things - the hard drive space is virtually limitless due to the fact that we're able add as many servers and hard drives to the clusters as needed, and we improve the overall effectiveness of each and every machine due to the fact that just a single type of system processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will enable you to improve your websites as much as you'd like without having to worry about not having enough disk space.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server package from our company, you'll not have to concern yourself with the disk space that you may use for the simple reason that the feature is limitless. Unlike numerous other website hosting suppliers who advertise a similar service, yet make accounts using a single machine where only so much hard disks can be connected, we use a revolutionary cloud platform using groups of servers. All of your files will be located on a single cluster, your emails on a different one, your databases on a third one etc. This type of system features 2 noteworthy advantages - first, the disk storage will never finish since we are able to attach more servers to every cluster that requires them, and second, the servers will work much more effectively for they will be in charge of only one kind of system processes. A semi-dedicated server package gives you the convenience to improve your web sites as much as you'd like.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
Our virtual private servers include disk space allocations proportionate to the processing power that you will get with each package. Employing a greater plan, for instance, it is more likely that you'll host many different domain names or just a single huge site, so the disk space increases as you upgrade your plan. When you pick the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, all the domain names will share the storage space, while if you use DirectAdmin or cPanel, you'll be able to generate distinct web hosting accounts and set a fixed volume of the whole VPS storage space for every individual website. You will even be able to allot disk space from one domain to another when needed. If you obtain a certain VPS plan and you need additional space later on, you are able to update to a better plan with no more than a few mouse-clicks in your billing area. The added resources will be included in your present plan without any downtime or content migration.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
With all the hard disk storage space that we supply with all our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages, we warrant that you will be able to manage any type of site irrespective of its capacity. You will get a minimum of 500 GB storage space, which you can employ as you see fit - even for private file storage. By default, you'll have two separate hard disk drives, that can be used on their own, in order to use their full capacity, or they can be connected in RAID so that one will be a copy the other in real time to make sure that you will not waste valuable information in the event of a hardware failure. You're also given the opportunity to include extra disks and upgrade the whole hard disk storage for your use even more. This allows you to create a file or image depository portal without a problem if you would like. Using the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we provide, you'll be able to make a separate account for every single domain that you host on your server and pre-set a quota for the storage space it will use. If you select the 3rd choice, our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domain names will be managed from a single and they'll share the total server disk space.