File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is the most popular method of transmitting content to a hosting account. Using an FTP client program that is pre-installed on your desktop computer or laptop, you can set up a connection to your hosting server and copy all the web files that you want with several mouse clicks. This is done via a simple-to-navigate graphical interface and it is as easy as dragging & dropping the files in question. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is that you’re able to set up different FTP accounts, each one with a different level of access to your online storage space, so if you want to grant someone access, for example – a web designer, they’ll be able to connect only to a specific directory and will not be able to see the remaining web content or any other info, such as personal details. Three prerequisites are needed in order to be able to make an FTP connection – a hostname, which is usually an IP address or a domain, a username and a password.
FTP Accounts in Shared Web Hosting
Any of the shared web hosting packages that we are offering will permit you to set up an unlimited number of FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to manage the content of your websites separately or to provide other persons with access to any Internet site in your hosting account. If you’ve got a web design program pre-installed on your home computer, you will be able to maintain multiple Internet sites simultaneously and to keep them updated without any effort. If you provide the login info to some other person for a certain task, you will be able to modify the password for that FTP account or to remove it entirely with only a few clicks of the mouse and avoid any possibility of unsolicited access to your web content in the future. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you set up will be shown alphabetically in the corresponding section of your Hepsia Control Panel.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will be able to connect to your semi-dedicated server account via FTP whatever the semi-dedicated plan that you’ve selected upon signup, since the FTP access is one of the standard features that you will be able to take advantage of. All our plans come with an unlimited FTP account quota, so you can create as many FTP accounts as you need via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you’ll be able to administer your web content too. All the FTP accounts will be listed alphabetically in the Control Panel and in case you don’t need a certain account any longer, you can just delete it and stop individuals who have used it previously from accessing it again. The latter option is especially useful if you use the services of a designer or in case an IT expert leaves the firm and you don’t want them to access the web files anymore. A detailed Help repository that contains video tutorials will help you administer your FTP accounts if you don’t possess any previous experience.
FTP Accounts in VPS Hosting
With a virtual private server from us, you will be given the ability to create unlimited FTP accounts to access your website content. This is valid for all VPS server plans, no matter which Control Panel you’ve picked at signup – DirectAdmin, Hepsia or cPanel. Based on your needs, you can have a different FTP account for every website or several accounts with access to a given folder – if you’d like to permit several people to connect to that folder with their very own login credentials. Even if you’ve never opened a web hosting account previously or in case you’ve only had a shared one, you won’t have any problem creating, deleting or editing any FTP account on the VPS, as everything is done via an easy-to-work-with web interface and takes just a few clicks of the mouse.