In case you’ve purchased a hosting plan and you’ve got certain questions connected to a concrete feature/function, or if you have chanced upon some challenge and you require assistance, you should be able to get in touch with the respective customer support staff. All web hosting providers use a ticketing system no matter if they offer other methods of contacting them apart from it or not, since the quickest way to resolve a problem most often is to post a ticket. This method of correspondence makes the replies exchanged by both parties simple to track and allows the customer support team representatives to escalate the problem in the event that, for instance, a server administrator needs to get involved. Typically, the ticketing system is not directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you have to use at least two separate accounts to touch base with the support team and to actually manage the hosting space. Incessantly switching from one account to the other might be a bore, not to mention the fact that it requires lots of time for the majority of hosting companies to process the ticket requests themselves.
Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting
With a shared web hosting from us, you will never need to sign out of your account. Our ticketing system is built into the Hepsia Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire online presence. You can effortlessly access any support ticket whilst browsing through your website files or updating different settings. The ticketing system is being strictly monitored 24/7 by our client care team representatives and the ticket response time is no more than one hour, but it rarely takes more than twenty minutes to obtain assistance. In stark contrast with certain hosting providers, we do not charge more for using the ticketing system, so you can get in touch with us as often as you need and ask for info concerning any billing or technical problem. Moreover, you can see a variety of informational articles, which will help you handle the most commonly met predicaments yourself.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We think that it’s far more efficient to manage everything in one single location, which is why we’ve implemented a ticketing system into the custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is offered with each and every semi-dedicated server account. This will permit you to handle the correspondence with our help desk staff together with your storage space, which means that you will not need to memorize additional login credentials for some other interface. You will be able to submit a new ticket or to check the status of an old one with no more than a couple of clicks of the mouse while you’re browsing the files within your semi-dedicated account. Furthermore, you can search through older tickets using a clever search function or have a look at relevant knowledgebase articles, which offer solutions to commonly confronted complications. The inbuilt trouble ticket system is closely monitored 24x7x365 with the maximum ticket response time being only one hour, so there’ll always be someone to assist you.