Zend Optimizer is a well-known software, that's required to execute files encrypted with Zend Guard. The second encrypts files created in PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 in order to protect them from reverse engineering and unauthorized usage, thus guarding copyrighted source code. If you'd like to protect your custom-made script, for instance, you will be able to take advantage of Zend Guard and your program code will not be human readable, but you'll also need Zend Optimizer on the server where you host your site. Lots of pre-made script-driven applications, in particular ones which are paid, also need Zend Optimizer so as to work correctly as their core code is generally not free to change. Sites which use the tool are usually quicker as their program code is already optimized and precompiled.
Zend Optimizer in Shared Web Hosting
Zend Optimizer comes with all the servers that are a part of our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform. No matter which Linux shared web hosting package you acquire, you will be able to activate the software tool to ensure that any kind of script application that requires it will work perfectly in your account. By using a handy software tool from the Advanced area of the Hepsia Control Panel which is provided with all of the website hosting accounts, you'll be able to activate and deactivate different functions with one button. Zend Optimizer is one of these, so even if this is your very first website hosting account ever, you will not experience any difficulties. In the exact same area you can also select the PHP version for your account - 4 and numerous versions of 5, therefore each time you move to one that you have not used yet, you can enable Zend Optimizer for it with a single click. Since our platform allows you to work with several PHP releases simultaneously, more advanced users can activate the tool for a specific website with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.
Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You can activate Zend Optimizer with each semi-dedicated server that we provide and it takes only a few clicks to do that. When you sign in to your Hepsia Control Panel, you have to go to the PHP Configuration section where you will find a variety of options and On/Off buttons for all of them. Zend is one of these options, which means that you don't have to do anything more complex than clicking on its button. Since you can also change the PHP version for your account from the same section, you will have to enable Zend for any new version which you use. Of course, we've also left the option for more experienced users to set the PHP version and the status of Zend Optimizer manually by placing a php.ini file in a particular domain folder. The file will have effect just for this particular website, but not for the website hosting account as a whole.