The thorough web analytics data within your Web Hosting Control Panel can help you monitor pretty much all activities on your sites. You’ll receive actual time info on the stress created in your hosting account along with the site traffic they get on an hourly, per–week and monthly basis. You’ll also find information about our system in general including the actual IP address, the OS, the editions of PHP and MySQL and others. All the information is sorted in areas for you to easily find it.

Server Data

Look into information regarding your web server

If you want to check what’s the existing release of PHP or MySQL as well as the OS of the hosting server where your website hosting account is located, go to the Server Info part of your Web Hosting Control Panel. There you can also get information regarding the setup Perl modules, the inbound and outbound mail servers, plus the real IP address your hosting server.

You’ll find the server info table inside the Statistics section of the Rocket Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel.

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Access & Error Logs

Easily locate any site efficiency issues

The Access and Error Listings capture data about the hosting server, including details of web server access in addition to the kinds of glitches experienced in the course of server operation. You can find both forms of info about the functionality of your sites from the Statistics Manager area of the Web Hosting Control Panel.

The access log displays all the text files, image files, video clip files, etc. that people have required to check out on your site, whilst the error log reports virtually all warnings and faults the hosting server has spotted ever since the log file is created.

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Web Traffic Statistics

The ultimate way to check visitors’ volumes

When you run a profitable website, it’s imperative that you know a lot about visitors – what number of unique visits your web site receives, how many visitors come back to your site, what key words individuals use to discover your web site, etcetera. In the Statistics Manager area of your Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find two web traffic stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats that will assist you to discover all the information you may need.

The applications require actually zero setup. After your web site is on the Internet, they’ll start obtaining information without any effort on your part.

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CPU Stats

Monitor your websites’ server load

The web server’s CPU is critical for the interaction between your website and its visitors. The more advanced and resource–absorbing your sites are, greater amount of hosting server resources and server operation time will be needed for them to operate.

From the CPU statistics part of the Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to check the use of CPU resources produced by all of your web sites. This will enable you to consider timely steps and enhance your websites in case the CPU usage limit has been exceeded. You will see in–depth CPU stats for every single day and month or even for a full year.

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